Sunday, 10 December 2017

Evaluation Question 3 Draft

Evaluation Question 3 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Music Video 
I pitched my music video to my class by a power point with a verbal presentation explaining my concept and my vision for my music video. After this my class and my teacher gave me feedback, this was extremely helpful as the people in my class are in the age range my target audience is for my video, so their feedback was reverent to improving my concept. A lot of the feedback was making sure I filmed enough clips whilst I was in the ‘summer holiday’ location as I would be going abroad with my actors for a week-long holiday so I wouldn’t get a second chance to go back and refilm shots if I needed to when we arrived back to England. This was helpful as when I was filming abroad, I had a list of specific shots that I wanted to film and this was useful as it meant I wouldn’t miss an important shot in the ‘holiday’ location. I also filmed extra shots just in case I needed them during the editing process of my mock video or for the final video, this was extremely successful as I used some of the extra shots in my final music video to replace others. 
During the editing of my draft music video, I received feedback from my teacher to improve the quality of the editing, I was told to shorten the length of the shots and that the ‘bedroom’ location for the video didn’t ‘fit’ with the vide. Due to this, I made the creative decision to replace the ‘bedroom’ shots with more performance shots. The performance shots that would replace the ‘bedroom’ shots would be filmed in a white studio which my school offers to the media department. I would then add an overlay of colourful visual effects to the shots in the editing process to add an interesting a pleasing visual. 
During the editing for my final music video, my teacher gave me verbal feedback to add more performance shots to the video as my artist should have a more focal point in the video as well as making some shots have a tighter framing and some shots shorter. This was helpful as It would make my video look more professional.
Ancillary Texts: 
From the feedback my teacher gave me on my mock digipack I was advised to make the barcode smaller, add legal text, add a cereal code and the logo of the music company my artist is signed to, and to replace one of the artist images with an image that doesn’t feature my artist in it as I had to many images that featured my artist. The feedback was very vital as it improved the quality of the digipack as a whole. 
The feedback that I obtained from my teacher on my mock magazine advert was to move the ‘CD. Vinyl. Download’ to the bottom left of the advert, and that NME give /10 ratings instead of star. This feedback made my magazine advert look more professional.

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Note To Examiner

Thank you for looking though my A2 coursework blog. I hope you enjoy looking at my media products and how they have developed though my rese...